An accessible joint lab for crystal growth and materials research
Dresden Materials is a laboratory which can be used on a loan basis by everyone working in materials science, chemistry and physics of solids.
→ Get access on a loan basis to special scientific equipment with our support
→ Save your money and lab space by renting instead of purchasing
→ Collaborative on-demand access to cutting-edge lab equipment
→ Use your time for science instead for writing proposals
→ Test new parameters for your samples and processes
→ Use the "remote experiment" option to safe travel time and costs
→ Reserve time slots and make your experiment with our technical support
Dresden Materials is a laboratory for scientists of materials science, chemistry and physics of solids. We offer scientists to get access to special equipment to execute experiments to get new scientific results.
DRESDEN MATERIALS is part of the Scientific Instruments Dresden GmbH.
Staff Members
Anne Henschel
Head of Laboratory
Dr. Paul Sass
Laboratory manager
Maik Jurischka
IT administrator
Sandra Schöndube
Administrative accounting